Proud Infidel ranting about the ongoing war against democratic and secular values (Don't fool yourselves)! Maybe a voice of sanity in a wide ocean of madness.


Tagging- Again

I woke up early this morning, around 4:30 am. My knee was bothering me.
My son was at his grandmother so I was alone in the apartement.

I went in to his room and just looked out of the window. It's sad, I know it, but I do it when I try to compose.

Standing there I looked over at a beautiful 19:th century building that now is used as a "folkhögskola" (peoples college). It's patrons are nearly all immigrants- good for them!

The building has a very long spiral stairecase on one of it's sides, maybe 8 meters tall.
Under it a lot of bicykles are parked day and night. I think it is because people are commuting but uses the bicykles to get around in the city core. Some of them have toddlers seats mounted on them.

Anyway, when I was standing there looking out the window, I noticed two "youths" of the middle eastern persuation walking down the sidewalk right next to the building.
One of them climbed up the stairs and when on the top of it, he first started pissing on the bicykles below. After that he took out a paint spray can and tagged the building, all the while with his buddy photographing him with his cellphone.

I was like: HUH!? What the hell are they doing?

I started to put on my clothes- yes, I'm on crutches, but they make perfectly good weapons- but when I got out of the door, the idiots had allready dissapeared.

On the wall of the building was a tag "Nima", something I have seen all over the town.

What kind of deranged minds are we talking about here? Pissing in his territory litterally as well as practically!



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