Proud Infidel ranting about the ongoing war against democratic and secular values (Don't fool yourselves)! Maybe a voice of sanity in a wide ocean of madness.


Back in the USSR

Going away to the hospital again. The last time the doc said to me that "You have a ruptured Baker's cyst" and gave me a couple of crutches and a note for 14 day's of sick leave. Then they charged me 42 dollars- for something that I allready knew.

Today I finally got me a call in for MRI. It will take place at the 25:th of October.
But my sick leave ended yesterday, so I will have to find myself a way to crutch me over to the hospital again for some guy to tell me- "You have a ruptured Baker's cyst!"

The last time I was there it took over four hours.
I'm loosing a ton of money while beeing on sickleave!
I don't want to be on sickleave!
They say it's because of the nurses strike for higher salaries earlier on this year. They are swamped with backlog jobs.

Thank you very much!

When I was a manager at a petrol station we were not allowed to go out on strike, because we were seen as an important asset to the society. WTF?

But I understand- it must be hard to earn more than a police or a firefighter...

And now I will be charged another 42 dollars.
And a day of my life goes down the drain.

It took only two hours (not counting in messing with the state owned insurance company and my employer).
But the doc was helpful, he said:
"You have a ruptured Baker's cyst!"

Kidding- he also booked me in for surgery.
Finally something is happening!
Oh! I allmost forgot. The surgery will be done in a private clinic. One of the few excisting in Sweden.
Atleast that is a piece of luck.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ouch! Take it easy buddy, I hope you feel better Pela. Thanks for the inspiration.

absurd thought -
God of the Universe loves
a health care bureaucracy

keep patients running around
charge them every time

Friday 17 October 2008 at 06:25:00 CEST

Blogger pela68 said...

Thanks uspace!

Yeah, the bureaucracy here is astounding. A doc friend of mine told me that to get a fax with blood works from the lab, his departement was charged 25 dollars. He got so pissed off so he ran two stories down to the lab and picked the papers up himself.

Cardiolgy patients can be themselves found placed at the ofhtamologic clinic an vice versa- just because there are budgets to be met.
If you must go to the ER for some reason, you can be treated by a dentist aswell as a gynecologist or a hand surgent... Hrrrm.

Saturday 18 October 2008 at 00:52:00 CEST

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sure thing Pela, it sounds like quite a health care adventure over there. I hope the US can resist making ours worse.

The anti-national HC people in the USA call it 'single-payer HC' but they shouldn't. Government Controlled Health Care should more accurately be called 'Single-Provider HC', not 'Single-Payer'. Single-payer HC is fine and does exist, it should be expanded.

There should be less mandates, and more competition in HC, not less. Let people choose HC plans from other states, like they do with car insurance and everything else.

Single-provider is what you get with Gov’t HC, that has never worked well. Cuba, Canada, the UK and other countries (Sweden?) have destroyed HC quality with Gov’t single-provider HC.

absurd thought -
God of the Universe loves
single-provider healthcare

provided by government
which has NO competition

absurd thought -
God of the Universe says
destroy your healthcare system

Cuba’s filthy hospitals
are something to aspire to

absurd thought -
God of the Universe says
don’t pay healthcare premiums

for the uninsured
just destroy system for all

absurd thought -
God of the Universe wants
single-provider healthcare

which has NO competition
to cut costs they ration care

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Saturday 18 October 2008 at 07:25:00 CEST


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