Proud Infidel ranting about the ongoing war against democratic and secular values (Don't fool yourselves)! Maybe a voice of sanity in a wide ocean of madness.


Lilla Saltsjöbadsavtalet " Small Salt Lake agreement"

I'm not sure who has produced the following video. I found it informative and true to it's meaning. But that does not mean I nesescarily stand behind the producer or his viewpoint(s) otherwise.

But for those of you who are interrested about what it looks like here in Sweden immigrationwise as well as politically and in real life situations, I recommend you to see it (just forget about the cheezy music...).

Video here


Anonymous Anonymous said...

In January, I wrote an article called “A Parable,” that describes exactly what is going on in your fine country, and here in the USA. If we are painfully honest, it is difficult to blame Muslim immigrants and illegal aliens when in fact they are only taking advantage of our atrocious laws and lax administrations. Politicians, who pander to the “disaffected” for votes (and thus, a successful career) are a large part of the problem, but so too is the Chief of State who does not step in and provide direction to politicians and bureaucrats who are “lost in the woods.” Ultimately, the citizens must announce, “enough-is-enough.” I have never had the privilege of visiting Sweden, but I do sympathize with how you must feel about what is happening. Here, half of everyone is asleep at the switch . . . and of course, if citizens fail to see the danger, there is nothing for them to do.

Friday 7 March 2008 at 15:59:00 CET


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