Proud Infidel ranting about the ongoing war against democratic and secular values (Don't fool yourselves)! Maybe a voice of sanity in a wide ocean of madness.


Poppy VS Cannabis

After an intense campaign against poppy cultivaters in Afghanistan, the farmers has gone over to cultivate Cannabis instead. UN thinks this is a problem!

Of the worlds known recreational drugs- cannabis might very well be the least harmful of them all! And I include the perfectly legal substances alcohol and tobacco in this equation...

The farmers in Afghanistan do this because no other crop will yield enough money for them to get them by.


There is no profit what so ever fot the farmers to grow grains or other food, because we here in the west are giving it away for free!

The only other legal crop to grow that possibly can take in some money for the farmers is cotton.

"Ayud said that he knew it was illegal to grow cannabis but that it was the only crop that would produce enough profit to feed his family. "I don't have anything else to grow," he said. The difference in potential earnings is vast: Cannabis can earn about twice the profits of a legal crop like cotton, local officials say."

Sometimes you just can't help to wonder what is going on in the heads of our politicians. Until recently it was forbidden even to grow industrial (non-toxic) hemp in Sweden.

Why don't they ask a professional toxicologist about the matter? In all standard toxicology litterature you will find that cannabis is very probably the least harmful recreational drug known to man. I know- I have read a bunch of them! But nobody dares to speak up in the matter out of political reasons.

You might not like cannabis out of moral reasons, but then you have to forbid alcohol and tobacco out of logical reasons too! Are you prepared to do that?

More people dies everyday because of food adiction and foodabuse than people do of drugabuse. Should not then food be an illegal substance? Or pherhaps you should have to have a permit to buy it!

I'm no cannabis user myself (I would'nt even know where to get it), but something stinks here- and it's not pot smoke!


(Somewhat) related that will show you to what extents people will go to get high- Disgusting!


Blogger Yankee Doodle said...

"There is no profit what so ever fot the farmers to grow grains or other food, because we here in the west are giving it away for free!"

Watch what you write.

The next thing you know, the liberals will get together with Bush's neocon narcotraffickers, and the US will be giving away free heroin, paid for with taxpayer money, and billed as a way to fight the War on Terror.

Wednesday 7 November 2007 at 02:01:00 CET

Blogger Yankee Doodle said...

"More people dies everyday because of food adiction and foodabuse than people do of drugabuse. Should not then food be a illegal substance? Or pherhaps you should have a permit to buy it!"

Vote for Hillary -- she will ensure a government bureaucracy will regulate your food consumption for you. It doesn't matter that you're a Swedish citizen -- with the Clintons, you can still vote in the US Presidential election, and she will still run your life for you.

Wednesday 7 November 2007 at 02:05:00 CET

Blogger pela68 said...

Ahh- Yes YD you're so right.

Also remember that we in the EU (and if I'm not mistaken - also you in the USA) have very high protectionary tolls on raw cotton and prefabriced cotton fabric from outside our trading boundaries (to protect domestic farmers).

This means that those poor Afghanistanian farmers really have no choise in the matter. They can't export any crops. Noone in the country wants to buy their (legal) crops- and it's all because of our bleeding hearts politicians (mostly, but not exsclusively leftists...).

Wednesday 7 November 2007 at 23:39:00 CET

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good piece Pela, you make some most excellent points. The drug war is total BS. The US Drug Enforcement Administration doesn't want marijuana legal or hemp grown in the US because it will lead to unraveling all the lies propping up drug prohibition. Good for Sweden on the hemp thing.

The biggest problem with drugs is not drug addiction, it is drug prohibition. That causes practically all the crime, all the corruption, and it always produces new users among the young. The high black market prices causes the thefts and robberies by addicts to get their money for the drugs.

Years ago, in High School, we could buy weed in the hallways. You can buy drugs in every city and practically any town in America. But, you will very rarely find people selling beer and whiskey on the streets except maybe during a special festival or in the parking lot at a concert. But then, they will only be re-selling safe, and regulated and packaged brand name beer and liquor, not homemade 'moonshine' that might make you blind or kill you.

Drug corruption is rampant throughout all levels of Law Enforcement and parts of the military all over the world.

The 'Drug War' industry employs 10s if not 100s of millions of people directly and indirectly.

absurd thought -
God of the Universe wants
complete narco states

criminals in power
loving the corrupt drug war

absurd thought -
God of the Universe says
outlaw all alcohol

make cigarettes illegal
organized crime takes over

absurd thought -
God of the Universe wants
all alcohol illegal...

increase black market profits
corrupt more law enforcement

absurd thought -
God of the Universe wants
more drug war violence

more kids addicted to drugs
terrorists need money too

absurd thought -
God of the Universe thinks
create drug war industry

produce millions of jobs
dependent on endless war

absurd thought -
God of the Universe says
give terrorists BIG drug trade

help feed infidel addicts
let jihadis pay off cops

absurd thought -
God of the Universe wants
terrorists laundering cash

turn drugs into guns and bombs
it's all just BIG business

absurd thought -
God of the Universe says
never legalize drugs

stopping terror funding
less important than DRUG WAR


Btw, that Jenkem scare seems to be an Urban Legend unwittingly spread by an over zealous Drug Cop looking to keep people alarmed about the 'Drug Menace' in order to make it easier for his department to get more funding and stronger laws for
seizing/stealing peoples property through more unjust forfeiture laws.


Wednesday 14 November 2007 at 04:46:00 CET


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