Proud Infidel ranting about the ongoing war against democratic and secular values (Don't fool yourselves)! Maybe a voice of sanity in a wide ocean of madness.


I´m feeling hot, hot, hot!

It seems to be a slow day news vise; so I´ll just write about my own day. I awoke about half past five this morning. Put my gear to gether and rode my bike out to the regiment, where we loaded our selves in cars for further transportation out to the shooting range some 25 kilometers westwards.

At seven thirty the temperature was well over 23 degrees C and rising fast. At the shooting range we started to make use of the wide range of weapons we had brought with us. But at noon the temperature had risen to some 35 C in the shadows. Wearing uniform with a combat west and what not soon proved to be unbearable.

I can´t recollect a single time in my whole life where I have lost more fluid through sweating than at this day. Between the hours of eight am and two pm, I sucked dry atleast three fillings of the hydration system, each consisting of 2 1/2 liters of water.

When writing this at 11 pm, it´s still 25 degrres outside. Hell- I´m a Laplander, I´m not used to this!

But I shure could live with it- as long as I do not have to weare a Swedish army regulation uniform.

I´m sorry, but I´m kind of beaten up right now. Will be back to morrow with more stuff.

Good Night!


Blogger Flanders Fields said...

Hi Pela!

I hope you are rehydrated and back into a more comfortable enviornment. Those uniforms raise the temperature, don't they? How did you like firing the weapons?

Sunday 10 June 2007 at 05:46:00 CEST

Blogger pela68 said...

Yupp, you are right. The uniforms are anti moisture and anti flammable protected- which means that the fabric does not breath at all. The only ventilation you have is by opening the zipper on the trousers and the jacket, but that does not make much difference when laying prone.

Then there is of course the extra heat generated by the weapons and the super- hot casings piling up under the machingun, inevetibly after a while starting to roll down your arm sleeves- or in this case, against the naked skin of your fore arms. I have case shaped burn marks all the way from my wrists up to my elbows!

But; Ahhh, it´s worth it!

Wednesday 13 June 2007 at 10:04:00 CEST


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