Proud Infidel ranting about the ongoing war against democratic and secular values (Don't fool yourselves)! Maybe a voice of sanity in a wide ocean of madness.


Birthdays and bicykles

My brother in law is one of my best friends. He is intelligent, generous, has a great sence of humor and generally kind to all sorts of people. Being just 12 years older than me, he still has been a fatherfigure to me since my own father was- well- out of touch.

My brother in law is also a communist!

That means that when we meet up "I try not to step on any toes", as that.... would make it... hmm... You know!

The past weekend me and my son travelled over to my sister some distance away from where I live. My other sister with her husband (the brother in law) travelled 450 km to meet up with us. It was a social gathering as much as an opporturity to celebrate my sons fourth birthday.

One thing about leftist´s is that they tends to defend every official position that the "party" has- no matter how crazy they are. No reasoning or argument gets through to them- not even when presented with hard evidence.

Late at night, after a good dinner with wine and beer, I did the fatal misstake of dropping the islamic subject. I and my brother in law got in to a... well argument over the longgoing intentions of the islamist community (mark- islamist, not islamic), he just couldn´'t get it in to his head that islam is an ideology just as much as a religion. Not even after I throwed the most valid arguments at him and even showed him some information on internet. It just did not work!

I love him- and did not want to go any further with the argument, so I dropped the subject in matter. But this goes to show just how hardheaded the leftist´s are here in Europe when discussing certain matters. There is no reasoning; just the partys agenda. No individuality, and they are in majority.


Anyway, we had a nice weekend together. My son got a brand new bicykle. He wanted to try it out so we went outside to a reasonably untrafficed area. He got the peddaling right allmost emideatly, but had trouble with the braking.

I said to him several times "that you have to pedal backwards to stop", but to no avail. Finally I fysically showed him how to by pressing my hand against his foot.

He then took off again- and I called out for him to try to brake; and he did it by bending over and pushing at his foot with his hand!

Well what can you say? At least he can read farily well!



Blogger Humle och Dumle said...

Var du glad åt att din son kan cykla hjälpligt. Min äter fortfarande jord och stenar samt annat han hittar i gräsmattan eller toaletthinken!
Gällande övertygade kommunister handlar det bara om att prata allt utom politik, om du vill bevara någon sorts vänskap. Förr eller senare kommer verkligheten ikapp dem.
/ Dumle

Monday 2 April 2007 at 21:23:00 CEST

Blogger pela68 said...

"Var du glad åt att din son kan cykla hjälpligt. Min äter fortfarande jord och stenar samt annat han hittar i gräsmattan eller toaletthinken"


Monday 2 April 2007 at 23:06:00 CEST

Blogger Highest Infidelity said...

Hah! That's easy for YOU to say!

Yeah some people just need to dhimmified for a while before they begin to get it even then they don't get it.

Hope your kid has fun with his new bike!

Tuesday 3 April 2007 at 14:03:00 CEST


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